What we do

What we do

We work with community groups, CSOs and government agencies to bring about practice in change that promote gender equality, social justice and a sustainable environment.

Governance    We apply the voices of marginalized groups including women, youth and persons with disabilities and promote their participation in governance and electoral process. We work with CSOs and government agencies to promote policy formulations and reforms that strengthens good governance.

Gender equality and mainstreaming – we work with women, men, girls and boys to reduce gender gap and discrimination in communities by changing cultural practices that engender gender based violence. 

Social justice – We work with communities, CSOs and government agencies to promote fairness, inclusiveness in diversity, equal opportunity for all thereby reducing tension amongst a people which most times result in violent conflicts. 

Conservation and Environmental justice – we work with communities to collectively develop strategies to mitigate climate change impact and environmental degradation resulting from oil spills, poor waste management and promote  conservation activities for sustainable agricultural and environmental management.

Sustainable Livelihoods – We work to eliminate barrier that hinder people’s access to livelihood opportunities empowering them with relevant skills and (information, technical, financial) resources to bring them out of extreme poverty.

Peace and security – We promote peace in communities through consensus building and engender the UNSCR 1325 and 2250 in programming to ensure lasting peace in our communities. 

Where we work

FACE Initiatives work across communities in the Niger Delta, including fragile communities at the heart of oil and gas exploration.

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FACE Initiative work to create opportunities for grassroots participation in decision-making process and environmental protection, to strengthen the fragile peace in the Niger Delta and enhance peace and sustainable development in the region.

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